Mother's Day Tulip Bouquets


Your choice of a large, peachy-blush bouquet or a large, smoky/muted purple, lavender bouquet each holding 20 specialty tulips varieties are as pictured. Each bouquet will offer tulips more closed than the images for longevity, as they open same-day. Bouquets should last about 2 weeks in a vase when water is changed every two days and the stem ends are trimmed. These generous bouquets will be wrapped as pictured, in floral tissue paper, Kraft paper, and tied with ribbon and have our farm sticker. Stems must be placed in water shortly after pick-up. Offer all the gorgeousness and fragrance of spring, fresh from the farm for your special mother or mother figure in your life! Ready for on-farm pick in Pittston on Friday, May 10th between 4:00 P.M. and 6:00 P.M., Saturday, May 11th between 3:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M.

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